Happy Sunday! It’s straight to the links this week.
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s insurrection flag defense is basically: My wife doesn’t listen to me! “I was not even aware of the upside-down flag until it was called to my attention,” Alito wrote. “As soon as I saw it, I asked my wife to take it down, but for several days she refused.”
writes, “Part of the jouissance of the moment is that Daniels didn’t play nice: She yelled, she got messy, and she still won. She didn’t pretend to be anyone other than who she is.” with the All Fours take you need.I unfortunately watched the trailer for the forthcoming Twisters, the sequel to the 1996 Twister. Now I’m feeling an outsized amount of anger that they thought they could revisit this film without Helen Hunt. And that white tank top! And the dog tags! Iconic. Adolescent me thought she was so damn cool. I’ll protest by re-watching the original.
Glynnis MacNicol ties recent feminist backlash to “the terror that men experienced at discovering that they are less necessary to women’s fulfillment than centuries of laws and stories have allowed them to believe.”
I’m using Operation Olive Branch’s spreadsheet to donate to Palestinian families in need. I hope you’ll join.