Mar 29Liked by Tracy Clark-Flory

This is the entire governmental talking point for both Dems and Repubs, invest in the institution of marriage instead of investing in social programs to help families. Affordable housing, affordable healthcare, affordable childcare and a wage that keeps up with inflation would be helpful. It's literally the patriarchy investing in itself. VOMIT! And women are enforcing these narratives. GRR!

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Mar 29Liked by Tracy Clark-Flory

Honestly the worst thing about that article (aside from the premise) is the god awful writing.

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Mar 29Liked by Tracy Clark-Flory

it's so interesting to me the ways women become not just complicit but evangelizers in reinforcing patriarchy/the institutions that uphold it. part of me wonders if essays like this are in on the joke. like, she's using the cage of her own impotence to further her career? to grab her 15 minutes of fame? or maybe that's being too generous. in any case, thanks for keeping me abreast of the toxic zeitgeist!

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The “marry him” essays also seem to assume that we all met someone “good enough” in our twenties and we blew it. I met a lot of people who were wrong for me and some who were just really bad people. I’m glad I’m not with any of them. The worst part about this is that if you settle for someone “good enough” and he turns out to be abusive, these same people will tell you that you should have chosen better. The whole thing is a racket.

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Mar 29Liked by Tracy Clark-Flory

Thank you for this relfection piece! What a time to be alive and have certain themes repackaged and sold as freedom, as you stated. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the essay!

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Mar 29Liked by Tracy Clark-Flory

Thank you for explaining this so well so I didn't have to read it!!💗

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Mar 28Liked by Tracy Clark-Flory

Anger face emoji puke emoji.

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Mar 29Liked by Tracy Clark-Flory

Fucking hate this.

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Telling women to rely on a romantic relationship to keep them fed, clothed and housed is...quite a thing.

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